Zane's Way Read online

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  The site was an educational experience. For a man who loved to dominate his women sexually, he was a bit surprised by the amount of traffic the site generated. Were there really that many people out there interested in pushing the envelope? It was sort of like a balm to know he and his brothers weren’t the only ones out there who preferred more than straight vanilla sex.

  He clicked on links to make sure they worked, reading all the while. When he came across a section devoted entirely to personal want ads, he decided to take a peek. There were many options, much more than any newspaper could boast. Depending on your lifestyle, sex and sexual orientation, to name a few, you could find anything or anyone you ever dreamed about.

  Zane clicked on a link that took him to ads for single submissive females. There were hundreds of them. All short, sweet and to the point. That was one thing about the Internet—inhibitions ran low. People felt comfortable to let loose, to say things about themselves they might not be able or willing to admit face to face.

  As he scrolled the page, some of the ads leapt out at him. The things some of the women wanted seemed barbaric. He couldn’t picture himself physically hurting a woman. A lot of pleasure and a tiny bit of pain could bring a woman to an explosive orgasm. The right combination could make a woman beg and plead for more.

  Closing the page for submissive singles, Zane decided to take a peek at what type of ads dominant males were submitting. Once again, he was struck by some of the out-there posts he was reading.

  Before he could comprehend completely what he was doing, he typed out an ad of his own. What would it hurt? No one would probably answer, he told himself. And if they did, well, he would deal with that when the time came.

  His conscience warned him. The steady, deep breaths of the woman lying next to him reminded him, but he couldn’t give up such a chance. When opportunity knocks, you answer the door.

  Unsure fingers quickly finished the ad to his specifications. The cursor flashed over the send button, there was no fighting it.

  The need within him was overwhelming. His cock strained against his sweatpants, nudging the underside of his laptop. For so long he’d fought the truth. Tried to hide from the fact he was different. He should have known he couldn’t hold back the beast forever.

  Hell, just talking to his brothers on the phone was enough to bring on a raging erection. The three of them had always been close, but once they became sexually active, that closeness blossomed. He missed his brothers. Moving home seemed more promising every day.

  Back in the now, Zane clicked the button. It was done, the message was sent. Now for the wait. There was no guarantee it would even be answered.

  He could always answer some of the others. Now that he had taken the step, brought the possibility within reach, he knew there was no going back. He was beyond the point of no return.

  Soon he would have to give consideration to Rena. How could he tell her the reason for their split? How could he not, she deserved at least that much. Guilt ate at him.

  He couldn’t do it. The one ad was enough. If he didn’t get an answer back, he would have to think of something else, but for some odd reason he wasn’t worried about it. Something about the ad he placed felt right. Without analyzing it, Zane decided to just go with the flow.

  Chapter Two

  Serena stared out the kitchen window watching, wondering. The past week swam through her mind as her still shaky knees led her to a stool at the breakfast bar. Lord have mercy! The fingers of her right hand traveled over a love bite marring her tender skin. It was unlike anything Zane had ever done to her.

  Excitement and apprehension flowed through her veins in remembrance. Her body longed to be completely taken in the same way as he’d started to earlier in the day.

  The feelings were new and frightening. Never in a million years could she picture stuffy, straitlaced Zane as the aggressor. They always sort of just came together. Until just a few minutes ago, their relationship had been based on convenience. Nothing more, nothing less.

  He’d come out of nowhere, silent as a slight breeze. She didn’t even know he was there until she felt the length of him pressed to her back.

  Within moments, the unmistakable presence of his jutting arousal was nudged snugly against her backside. In reaction, her body began to tremble. It took no more than his touch and her imagination to cause such an immediate response.

  Serena lost count of how many scoops of coffee she was at as Zane’s large hands ran the length of her spine. The light pressure at her back caused her to lean slightly forward.

  Serena could hear Zane’s ragged breathing. It sounded much like her own.

  Take me dammit. Take me! Her mind screamed and yet she couldn’t force the words from her lips.

  Splayed fingers snaked around her front. Finding her breasts, they squeezed and plucked at already pebbled nipples. A small whimper escaped her throat a second later when she felt a sharp nip on the tender skin where neck met shoulder.

  The pain was brief, but intense, leaving her breathless. Her heart raced with the possibilities. Combined with the heat of his cock rubbing against her bottom and the fingers rolling her nipples, her knees could no longer hold her weight. They finally buckled.

  Had it not been for the close proximity of Zane, Serena was sure she would have melted to a puddle right there on the kitchen floor.

  A string of muttered curses cleared her head and brought strength back into her legs. When she felt able, she turned to look at Zane.

  “Son of a bitch,” he said. “I’m sorry, Rena. I…I… Aw, hell!”

  Serena watched as emotions played across Zane’s face. Self-loathing flashed quickly as well as, what? What was that? Guilt? He felt guilty for what had just happened. Serena wanted to laugh, or cry. She wasn’t sure which. He felt guilty and all she wanted was more. Why in the hell couldn’t she just tell him how excited she felt? How hot she was. If he’d only check for himself, the wetness of her panties, the slick juices coating her pussy were surely proof enough.

  Working up the nerve, Serena opened her mouth then quickly closed it. She tried again then shook her head to clear it. She’d just managed to pry her still shocked lips apart when Zane pushed his hand through the waves of his brown hair, spun on his heel and stalked out the front door.

  Still sitting at the breakfast bar, she let her mind wander over the past week. At first, she thought it had all been her warped imagination. Tiny changes no one else would notice, but she had.

  Things as simple as slight mood changes. Zane seemed to sit with a brooding look on his face. Something he’d never done before. His normal happy-go-lucky self had become deadly serious on more than one occasion. Another facet of Zane Serena had never before witnessed.

  Smoldering eyes spent a lot more time following her as if studying her the way a scientist would study a specimen. It was disconcerting. He seemed to be battling some sort of internal conflict.

  The whole thing only brought closer to the surface just how far apart their relationship was that Zane didn’t feel he could talk to her. And at the same time, she didn’t feel as if she could go to him and ask what was wrong. She often wondered if this was the beginning of the end for them.

  Those were some of the things she would love to change. Another was the fact that during the past week Zane had become violently aroused on several occasions. She’d even noticed it last night when they had gone over the website together. That was something she was enjoying and didn’t want to see change.

  And yet, he hadn’t even so much as kissed her.

  Today was the first day he’d acted on his severe state of arousal. That he’d shown any loss of control. It made Serena wonder just what she could do to nudge him in the right direction.

  Even if she could push him, what would it accomplish? It would probably just make things worse. If she backed him into a corner, forced him into taking her the way she wanted to be taken, he would probably run.

  Later that same afternoon, Serena
sat in front of her computer remembering a past that haunted her. A past that was always just a thought, a nightmare away.

  How could she want so desperately to once again attain what had taken all her will to break away from?

  It won’t be the same with someone who loves you, she reminded herself.

  Getting married so young was not the problem. The problem was that her ex-husband had been a sick bastard. His sole purpose in life was to humiliate her.

  At first, Serena thought his commanding presence to be exciting. The thought of being tied to his bed, of being loved recklessly, had heightened her arousal. That was before her dreams had become reality. A reality she wouldn’t wish on her worst enemy.

  It was before the man in question taught her never to trust. To never give herself completely to man or woman, emotionally or physically. It had been a lesson learned the hard way. One she’d fought tooth and nail.

  She wondered if she would ever again be the carefree soul of her youth. The answer came quickly. There was no going back, only forward.

  With her head bent, Serena began doing the final checks on the erotic site she was finishing up. After an hour or so of surfing from page to page, she couldn’t help but take one last look at the Single Doms Looking for Single Subs page. Many posts were new. The site had an enormous amount of traffic, but one post in particular caught her eye. It was a Dominant man looking for an intelligent, independent woman with submissive tendencies.

  He went on further to say she must be willing to give over all control in the bedroom.

  Serena scanned the rest of the ad, her heart beating double time. She scanned down until she could read his username then scrolled to the bottom of the board until she could see who was online. He was active.

  Her breath caught as she made her way to the chat room he was logged into.

  * * * * *

  A week later as Zane made his way to his office, he was still mentally kicking his own ass. Things just seemed to get worse by the day.

  Damn, damn, damn! What in the hell could he be thinking? His body ached with need. Good god, he could still feel the soft curve of her ass cheeks as they’d warmed his straining erection. And it had been damned near a week since that little episode.

  A week of torturous hell.

  A week of doing everything in his power to stay away for fear of devouring Serena whole.

  A fierce need to take her right where she stood had set his feet in her direction before his brain had thought to engage.

  Switching on his computer, he made his way to the coffeemaker.

  During the past week, Zane had fought himself. Fought his needs. He was like a hunter stalking its prey. And because of their living arrangement, Serena had become his prey.

  He no longer felt happy when he looked at her watched the movements of her luscious body. No, now he felt unrelenting heat. Barely contained lust he was having a hell of a time hiding. The online conversations with the submissive woman who had read his ad only made matters worse because now he realized just how bad off his relationship with Serena really was.

  Cup of coffee in hand, Zane settled in front of his computer and as was becoming habit, he logged into the chat room where he would meet ESKAY. It was a private chat room. The moment her username popped onto his screen, his cock hardened and lengthened.

  How’s it going? he questioned.

  Real good, and you? she answered. Polite conversation wasn’t at all what he was in the mood for. Right now, he wanted to hear her deepest, nastiest secrets.

  All is well here, but it’ll be even better as soon as you start sharing more of your fantasies with me. The cut of his slacks left him much needed room, which was a good thing because just the expectancy of more of her stories was enough to make him come.

  You with me? he typed when she didn’t answer.

  Yeah, I’m here. What was it you wanted to know?

  He could tell from how slow she was responding that she must be nervous.

  I want to hear all of them, eventually, but for right now, your naughtiest will do.

  Several seconds ticked by before there was an answer.

  Well, I want to be made to submit. You know that, but I also want so much more.

  There was another pause before more words began showing on his screen. I’ve not tried very much so I guess you could say I’d like to try it all. One of my biggest fantasies is to be spanked.

  Oh hell, his palms itched at the thought. His raging erection was turning into a monster insisting on release. Lowering the zipper of his slacks, he palmed himself. The feel of his heated skin within his own hand made him think of insisting ESKAY experience the same.

  What are you wearing right now? Typing with one hand was slow going.


  Yeah, darling. What are you wearing? Whatever it is I want you to take it off and play with that pretty pussy of yours just as I’m stroking my cock. I want you to tell me piece by piece what you’ve removed.

  No new message flashed across his screen. Was she removing her clothes or was she thinking? Hell, for all he knew she’d left. Damn, this was frustrating!

  I just unbuttoned my blouse, popped up on his screen. His cock did the same, popped up, that is, at the typed words.

  Now what, your bra?

  I’m not wearing one today, only a white lace chemise. Oh, shit! He wondered if her nipples were puckered and pressing against the lace. Were they petal pink or a natural brown, maybe just a shade darker than the rest of her skin?

  It’s off too, as is my skirt. Now I’m only wearing my panties and hose.

  What kind of hose?

  The kind that stop at the thigh, but they’re not held up with garters. They’re white with lace tops.

  His hand worked the length of his shaft in an up and down pumping motion as he read her words. He tried to picture her, what she looked like based on the description she’d given him, but couldn’t seem to do it.

  For some reason a woman with sparkling green eyes and lustrous strawberry blonde hair kept popping into his mind only it wasn’t the woman he was chatting with. The woman who kept invading his thoughts was Rena and it made him feel guilty as hell.

  Pushing away the guilt, he continued to work his length with one hand while typing directions to her with the other.

  Leave the stockings on, but remove the panties…slowly. Pull them down while thinking about the width of my cock. Try and picture how it’ll be the first time I spank your ass until it’s red and hot. How you’ll squirm and cry out every time the palm of my hand lands on your flesh. If she were there with him now, he wouldn’t be able to hold back. He was having a hell of a time controlling it now, and he was alone.

  Think about how good it’ll be the first time I tie you up and take you. Can you imagine it? I can. I hear your cries of pleasure in my sleep as I dream about forcing every inch of my cock into your tight hole. Both of them. Eventually I’ll take you every way there is for a man to have a woman.

  Panting with excitement. The need to release overwhelming as his spine tingled. His balls were drawn up close to his body as if seeking comfort and release.

  When the word done flashed on his screen, he almost lost his load.

  Now tell me how you want to be spanked.

  Oh, god, she typed. I want to be stripped or made to strip. I’ve seen it in my mind so many times. I’ve dreamed about it.

  And after you’re stripped? he prodded getting quickly closer to his own release.

  After that, I want to be placed over your knee. To feel your strength beneath me. Then I want you to make my bottom burn. I’ve read it will make me burn not only on the outside but on the inside also. Do you know if it’s true?

  Holy hell, he wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. His grasp grew steadily stronger around the flesh of his staff as his hand jerked up and down.

  You making yourself wet, baby? I want you to come while you talk to me. I’m almost there myself.

  I am�
�oh, I am. She typed. Normally everything she did was in perfect English. Complete sentences. It was strange to see a fragmented post, she must be close. How he wanted to be there with her.

  Now, baby. Come now. Pumping his hand, he did so himself. Shuddering through his release, he vowed that the next time they wouldn’t be talking online. Next time he would be seeing her face. Up close and personal.

  The time was getting close. Soon they would have to meet.

  Later that day, his thoughts reverted back to Serena and all that had happened between them over the past week.

  How he would catch himself watching her. The force of his arousal was instant as he pictured all the things he wanted to do to her. Different ways to make her beg for more.

  He was sure she would be disgusted if she could take a trip into his mind. A faint flicker of interest had quickly crossed her face, but interest in what? She could have no idea of the things he would do to her. How he wanted to push her to the limit and then push her some more.

  He could imagine what her face would look like when he told her step-by-step what he wanted to do to her. Her parted pink lips would glisten as her tongue peeked out to moisten them. Cheeks flushed with desire and shock only made the paleness of her complexion that much more intense. The woman looked shocked, confused. If given half the chance, Zane would keep her that way.

  There was no use in trying to keep the animal at bay. Soon he would sit Serena down and tell her what was in his heart. In his mind.

  Guilt had become a big part of his day. There was so much to think about, it made his head throb. Should he tell Serena of his cyber-relationship now or after meeting ESKAY?

  If he told her now and gave her the choice, would she choose to submit? If she chose not to, wouldn’t that make things easier? He would no longer have Serena to worry about. He would then be free to follow through with finding a woman to fill his life. One who would relent in every way thinkable. So why did the thought of not having Serena in his life bother him so much?

  Fingers pinched the bridge of his nose trying to keep the monster headache away. There was no time to delve into his feelings just now. He had a choice to make. Would he tell Serena about the mystery woman before or after meeting her?