Zane's Way Read online

Page 4

  God, he needed to talk to his brother.

  There was just something about Hayden’s slow drawl that could soothe the wildest of beasts. Picking up the phone, Zane punched in the numbers that would link him with his big brother. With home.

  “Yeah,” a voice answered on the other end of the line. Zane’s brow creased in confusion. The voice was Hayden’s but it was anything but calm.

  “Dammit! Is anybody there?” the voice growled. Yep, it was definitely Hayden’s voice.

  “I’m here. What in the hell’s wrong with you?”

  “Hey, baby brother. How’s it goin’ out there in sunny Californ-I-A?” It was a standing joke between the O’Malley brothers how Zane had opted to move far away in order to get out from under their father’s thumb.

  “Sunny,” he answered feeling better than he had just a few brief moments ago.

  Zane could hear something in the background. It sounded suspiciously like a screaming woman. And possibly even glass breaking.

  “What in the hell is that, Hayden?”

  “Oh hell, don’t mind her none. It’s just The Hellion and she’s done got herself in trouble with Judge Gumar again.”

  “Austin?” Zane couldn’t help but chuckle. They had aptly named her The Hellion when she was about ten years old. All of a sudden, Zane felt even more homesick.

  “What she do this time?”

  “Her and that damned car, tearin’ up the roads, sellin’ her wares,” he added in a disgusted voice. “Judge told her she could either have a real job by the end of the week or she could spend thirty days in jail. She opted for the job and I needed a bookkeeper.”

  This time there was no chuckle about it. Zane’s laugh was outright loud and obnoxious. The thought of Hayden, the rough and ready rancher and Austin, The Hellion, thrown together on a daily basis was almost more than he could imagine.

  When the background noise got too loud to hear the phone conversation, Hayden hung up saying something about an ass whoopin’.

  Ten minutes later, when Zane settled in front of his computer, he was still wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

  The click of the mouse sent him to the private chat room where he’d been meeting his mystery lady, ESKAY. Slowly, methodically he read over each message she’d left him, each fantasy she’d shared. It probably wasn’t wise to save them, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

  ESKAY knew he was in a long-term relationship, she admitted to being in one herself. Further conversation between the two revealed neither was completely happy. They were looking for more. They talked about their lack of communication with their partners and how it had caused a gap that could not be comfortably bridged.

  ESKAY insisted she was looking for a monogamous relationship, not a fling. How happy he’d been to hear that. At the age of thirty-two, Zane was ready to settle down. After being married for a few years, he looked forward to starting a family. Life would be grand. All he needed was a woman who shared his ideas and views on life. A woman he could communicate with in every way.

  Once again, his mind wandered to Serena.

  He could picture her long strawberry blonde hair flowing over creamy bare shoulders in a mass of curls. Her green eyes could bore a hole through to the heart of any man. Eyes that had witnessed too much at a young age.

  His revelation would hurt her. Zane couldn’t remember a time where he’d given a shit about a woman’s feelings enough to worry whether breaking off a relationship would cause her pain.

  He didn’t want to start now, but it seemed he had no choice in the matter.

  He would meet the woman first. However things turned out, he would be completely honest with Serena. A deep breath whooshed out of full lungs as he turned his gaze back to the computer screen in front of him.

  The click of the keyboard sounded in the noiseless room of Zane’s office as he typed out a message.

  It’s time we met. I cannot wait a minute longer to see if you are who I’ve been waiting for. Tomorrow at noon on the corner of Ocean and Cape at a small pub called Patrick’s. We’ll talk then.


  His hand fisted after sending the message on its journey through cyberspace. There was no going back now. No returning to the life he’d led for the past four years.

  It would be a new beginning. Zane replayed in his mind the phone conversation with his brothers. The excitement in their voices when they found out he soon planned to move back home. His heart rate increased at the thought of once again being close to the two people who meant the most to him. And since he was being honest with himself, the thought of seeing his father again wasn’t nearly as bad as it used to be.

  After the death of their mother, the O’Malley brothers had been inseparable. Returning home as a wealthy man would be nice. No longer would he feel the need to prove his worth to a father who had once felt let down by the fact that none of his sons chose to follow in his footsteps.

  A small envelope flashed on the bottom corner of his computer screen notifying him of incoming mail. His pulse sped. This could be it. With another click, the message was open. Zane began to read.

  I know where it is. I’ll be there.


  Damp palms slid along his slacks. Soon. Soon he would meet the mystery woman who could make him feel whole again. His conscience was nagging him, but not nearly as much as his cock. He hadn’t seen the woman yet. Had never heard her voice and yet his body was responding. He was hard and ready. In need.

  In need of control. To feel a warm body pressed tightly to his. Hands bound and out of the way. Totally at his mercy. It was such a heady thought to know that the possibility of a dream come true was so close at hand.

  Zane’s chair squeaked as he levered himself up, stretching the kinks out of his six foot sinewy frame. The snip of the lock clicking into place filled the room. Fully engorged, Zane lowered himself back down into the chair parked in front of his desk then lowered his zipper. It may have only been hours since he and ESKAY had gotten off while chatting, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He was so hard he hurt.

  The teeth of his zipper grated along his throbbing sex as it was slowly lowered. His fully erect cock sprang free of his trousers. Its engorged head glistened with a drop of pre-cum as his large palm fisted its length.

  Damn, but he needed the woman now. He needed the feel of a hot mouth gliding over his unyielding length.

  A slow sigh fell from his lips as his head fell back against the chair. The rhythm of his hand caused his hips to buck. Up and down, squeezing and tugging, he brought himself closer. He kept his eyes closed, allowing his mind to wander.

  Long hair shielded the face of the woman kneeling in front of him. His hands tangled in her hair as his hips rocked to and fro, his cock delving deep into her mouth.

  “That’s it, baby. Just relax and take me.”

  The heat of her mouth, as he imagined it would, inflamed him. His grip tightened as the woman submitted. Hands bound behind her back made it impossible to keep her balance with the quick thrusts of his pelvis.

  His hold on her head would keep her right where he wanted her. In his mind, he could see the bliss on his own face. He could see his lips moving, he would be giving directions. Commanding her to do as he wanted.

  “Suck me. I’m going deeper, Little One. Relax your throat and take all of me.”

  The woman’s face was still hidden from his view. What would she look like?

  Would her eyes be closed lightly, dark lashes sweeping the contour of her cheeks? Would she look him directly in the eye if he demanded it of her? The thought of staring directly into the windows of her soul as he exploded in her mouth kept him teetering on the edge. It would be a dream come true.

  Serena had always avoided eye contact, keeping her eyes tightly closed during sex. Even though she never balked at oral sex, she also never offered to swallow or watch.

  If the woman he was meeting worked out, she would consent to both. There would be no hiding, no
holding back.

  “Open your eyes, baby. I want to watch.” If she didn’t immediately respond, he would give the hair wrapped around his hand a tug until her eyes found his.

  The sensations grew as his hand continued to stroke and tighten. Keeping himself on edge, but holding off the inevitable. Sweat beaded on his upper lip. Close, he was so close.

  “Oh yeah…oh honey, I’m going to come.” He would then pull back until just the head of his shaft remained in her mouth.

  “Here it comes, baby. Take all of it, swallow it all,” he groaned as his balls drew up with the imminent explosion. Then he came in the warm recess of her mouth holding her head in place as she worked frantically to swallow all his body offered.

  His free hand fumbled for tissue as the other hand worked furiously between his legs. Once, twice, on the third stroke he broke. A low groan, ripped from the back of his throat, echoed off the walls as he tightened his hold, milking the last drop from his semi-rigid length.

  At the same time, the face of the woman in his mind was revealed. A devilish smile curved a full, sassy mouth. Emerald green eyes sparkled as she licked her lips.

  Just as quick, she was gone, but not before he recognized her.


  Oh, if only his Serena could be the same as the Serena he so often dreamed of.

  Chapter Three

  Serena faced her reflection in the mirror. It was not a pretty sight. After a long, sleepless night, she was left with dark shadows under her eyes. Her complexion was drawn, haggard-looking.

  A hot shower would surely work wonders. If not, she was screwed. She pushed all thoughts of her lunch appointment away. Right now, she would focus on making herself presentable. Put all of her concentration into a relaxing morning.

  After clearing the breakfast bar, Serena padded silently up the hall. Back in the bedroom, she stripped off her nightgown and panties. The full-length mirror hid nothing. Turning her back to the mirror, she looked over her shoulder.

  The pale skin of her back seemed almost transparent. Never one to sunbathe due to fear of burning, her skin stayed a milky white. It seemed that no amount of sunscreen was enough to keep her fair skin from turning lobster red.

  Freckles lightly covered her shoulders. With a critical eye, Serena let her gaze roam lower. Average was the first word that came to mind. Never had she considered her shape or assets to be above average. That was okay, she could deal with it.

  Many times in her life, she had heard that if she only dressed more fashionably, or more provocatively, she would gain more attention.

  As a businesswoman, she only wanted to seem professional. As a woman, she wanted to be noticed. There was a time when low-cut blouses and tight skirts were the norm for her. Then she had met Zane. As she got older, more comfortable, she no longer worried much about how she dressed, except when it came to business. That would all change today, she thought as she eyed the green slip dress hanging from the closet door.

  Its thin straps would show off her shoulders. The rounded neckline would show just a hint of cleavage. The store clerk had assured her the length of the dress would enhance her legs.

  To finish off the look, she had picked out a lacy white thong and lace top thigh-highs. Spiked heels would round out the look and make her calves look great. Now if only she could gain the confidence to wear an outfit so unlike what she normally wore. Thoughts of the silky dress caressing her bare bottom made her shiver. Her skin grew hot. She could feel the moistness begin between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together in an effort to ease the growing pulse there, but it did little to help.

  Leaning over, Serena turned the faucet until the water temperature was just right. As the large, circular tub filled, she settled herself. Warm water caressed every smooth curve of her body. She felt light and carefree, except for the yearning deep inside.

  A yearning she could no longer ignore. The round tub was one of the reasons she so loved the house she shared with Zane. Four years ago, she had thought it would be a relaxing place to get away. Then as time wore on, Serena often hoped Zane would join her, only he never did. Recently though, as her hunger grew, she was often thankful for the positional jets placed around the sides and bottom of the tub.

  Serena pressed a button on the side panel, which caused the jets to come to life. Bubbles tickled her hardened nipples as she positioned the streams of water right where she wanted them. Her hips rocked in unison to the needy pulse within her. With her eyes closed, she could pretend the fingers plucking her nipples belonged to Zane. The hand snaking slowly up her thigh to nestle against her pink folds would take what it wanted without explanation. Serena could feel the cream of her body even as she was surrounded by warm, bubbling water.

  Panting through shallow breaths, her body shuddered through its release. It was better than nothing, but far from enough.

  With the edge taken off her sexual frustration, she rose from the tub and quickly dried herself. Donning her robe, she strode into the bedroom to sit in front of her vanity mirror. One look at the clock told her just how much time had passed. Now she would not have nearly enough time to prepare.

  It was probably a good thing Zane had left for work so early. She would have had a hell of a time explaining why she’d spent an hour in the tub.

  Pulling the brush through her already drying hair until it was tangle free, she turned on the hairdryer and went to work. The constant hum of the machine could not mask the beating of her heart. Being nervous was not something Serena enjoyed. It made her feel vulnerable, an emotion she wasn’t used to dealing with.

  Serena could not believe what she saw in the mirror. After drying her hair, she artfully arranged it high on her head. It was supposed to be a sophisticated look—instead she looked as though she’d started out as a runway model only to end up as a green-eyed siren.

  Her hair looked mussed, as if a man’s fingers had fought the pins controlling her curls. Wisps of hair had already escaped the entrapments and were curling gently around her jaw. One in particularly unruly curl was lying nestled in the shadowed valley of her breasts.

  That single curl stood out in sharp contrast to the deep green of the slip dress just covering her body. Its length landed just above the knee, but hugged every contour. A slit up the right side continued to mid-thigh giving off a wicked glimpse of leg. The shoes were much higher than the conservative pumps she normally wore, but they were sexy.

  The feel of soft fabric against bare skin made her core heat. Her nipples pressed into the fabric making the unruly lust coursing through her body even more intense.

  Even the slightest movement caused friction. It was heaven and hell all rolled up in one.

  The drive across town was full of misgivings and excitement. This meeting was extremely important to Serena. It could mean a change in her future, a big change. Would it be a change for the better?

  There was so much to be unsure of and yet, at the same time, if she didn’t at least try she would never know. No, this was not something she could back down from.

  It seemed weird to feel so unsettled after being comfortable for the past four years. It wasn’t until recently that Serena realized being content wasn’t nearly enough. Some days she wanted to scream from the sheer monotony of the situation. She had been pushed in no way, not to love or to hate. She was merely there and it was no longer enough.

  Soon she would be forced to look deeply into her heart. To see where things would stand with Zane. Were the feelings deeper than they appeared on the surface? If so, why had she never given more or expected more?

  She knew the answer—the difference was that never before had she been willing to admit it. She vividly remembered the day she told Zane of her past. How she had been married as a teenager to a man she loved with all her heart only to learn he felt no tenderness or love to return.

  She’d always dreamed of marrying a strong man. Her gift to her husband would be her virginity. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined a more
ruthless bastard.

  It wasn’t long before Serena learned that her husband couldn’t care less if she was a virgin or not. In the bedroom, he treated her no better than an animal and out of the bedroom he ignored her. The naïve dreams of a new bride didn’t last long in their house. Neither did her sunny disposition. It didn’t take long to turn her into the cynic she was today.

  Some of the things he had expected her to consent to still made her shudder. As a young, untried woman, they had frightened her to death. She wasn’t sure how she’d managed to hold on as long as she did.

  Hopes of love were doused and depression had taken their place. If only he’d loved her, she would have done anything for him. It took her a while before she realized that a man who loved his wife would not live to humiliate her. Once she’d learned that valuable lesson, Serena had left never to look back.

  The past and her knowledge of what could happen is what made everything so confusing. It was hard to understand why when she was finally in a relationship where things were calm she would want to give it all up to a dominant who would push her to the limit. The desire was so fierce she could not back down from it. Soon she would make her decision.

  * * * * *

  Zane scowled at the computer screen, staring at the flashing cursor that sat still. He couldn’t concentrate to save his life and he was weary. Sleep had eluded him again last night. Was he doing the right thing?

  Guilt ate at his gut. Serena’s face flashed before him. The woman he lived with was a comfort, but did he love her? He wasn’t sure. Even if he did, would it be enough? Could love take place of the physical and mental needs he would be missing as a dominant?

  It was almost time to meet her. The muscles in his shoulders were tense. The broad expanse covered by a button-up shirt. The top two buttons left undone exposing a small amount of tan flesh.

  Feeling a bit uneasy, Zane strode to the restroom adjoining his office. The sight to greet him in the mirror was a bit intimidating, he admitted to himself. Damn! If he didn’t get a grip and relax he would scare his submissive off before they had the chance to get to know one another.